Tuesday, January 18, 2011

SPOTTED: Marks & Spencer Food and Wine Products @ Rustan's Rockwell

It's a good thing that the people behind Marks & Spencer finally got it:
Shoppers are on a different mission when they enter Marks & Spencer.

I would think it's for personal or gift shopping.  Wine product placement, I understand.  But the rest of the food products? Not so.

I was pleasantly surprised to see M&S Food and Wine shelves in Rustan's Rockwell.  Targeting the right Shopper profile, it's strategically located right between the coffee shelves (a commodity) and the mineral water shelves (which moms usually frequent).  I agree with the placement --- it's best for awareness and impulse.

Even the shelf structure was well thought-of: with shelves and hangers for different packaging types.  It's like a mini M&S grocery within Rustan's.

SPOTTED: Mango-Ong in SM Hypermarket Frontera Verde

My husband said it best: Street food is migrating to the malls because that's where the Pinoys hang out nowadays.

Mango with Bagoong*?  I think it's brilliant!

There were countless times I wanted to buy mango with bagoong from the streets.  But I have a weak stomach so I usually decide against it.  But if it's from a stall inside a mall, I will have no hesitations.  There's a perception that both the mango and bagoong are cleaner (both handling and preparation).

They chop the mangoes in bite-size pieces, put it on a mini paper plate and ask for your bagoong preference.  They have several bagoong options ranging from sweet to spicy.

*Shrimp or Fish paste

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Be a self-starter. Do it now! When you do not know how to do something, start. Beware of the paralysis of analysis. Be a person of action. -- Mamie McCullough

Happy New Year everyone!

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